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phyloraster is an R package to calculate measures of endemism and evolutionary diversity using rasters of presence-absence as input, allowing to join the results derived from species distribution models (SDMs) with phylogenetic information. A lot of packages such as phyloregion (Daru et al., 2020), picante (Kembel et al., 2010) and pez (Pearse et al. 2015) can be used to calculate patterns of endemism and evolutionary diversity. However, most of these packages use matrices that can be computationally expensive if the user is working with global or local data with high resolution. phyloraster brings an alternative to these packages by providing functions that calculate diversity and endemism metrics for each raster cell, reducing the amount of RAM required for data processing. The functions are focused on the steps of pre-processing, processing and post-processing of macroecological and phylogenetic data.

The pre-processing step offers basic functions for preparing the data before running the analyses. The processing step brings together functions to calculate Faith’s phylogenetic diversity, phylogenetic endemism, weighted endemism and evolutionary distinctiveness. This step also provides functions to calculate standardized effect size for each metric through different methods of spatial and phylogenetic randomization, aiming to control for richness effects. The user can applying these methods of randomization to test hypotheses about the community structure when richness patterns are correlated with endemism and evolutionary patterns (Kembel et al. 2010). The post processing stage includes functions to calculate the delta of metrics between different times (e.g. present and future). We have shown that the package has a slightly longer computation time than comparable packages, but takes up a considerably smaller portion of RAM memory, which will allow users to work with high-resolution datasets from local to global scales. This enhances the application of the package by enabling users to work with large datasets on computers with less RAM available. In this vignette, we demonstrate the use of the functions of the phyloraster package in detail.


The CRAN version of the package can be installed using:


The development version of phyloraster can be downloaded from GitHub using the following code:


If you have any questions, let us know through the topic “Issues”.

phyloraster uses some R packages as dependencies such as terra (version >= 1.6) (Hijmans, 2022), ape (version >= 5.6) (Paradis & Schliep, 2019), and phylobase (version >= 0.810) (Hackathon et al. 2020). Once installed, packages can be loaded into R using library():

Data processing

In the step of pre-processing, we offer support to manipulate matrices, shapefiles, rasters, and phylogenetic trees. In the processing step, we provide functions to calculate Faith’s phylogenetic diversity (Faith, 1992), phylogenetic endemism (Rosauer et al., 2009), evolutionary distinctiveness (Isaac et al., 2007), and weighted endemism (Williams et al., 1994).

  • Dataset

The package contains one dataset that allows visualizing the structure expected to matrices, rasters, shapefiles and phylogenetic trees and can be accessed using the function This dataset contains a data.frame with presence records for 33 Australian tree frogs with coordinates for each site (Rosauer 2017) and a phylogenetic tree for these species (Rosauer 2017). This raw dataset can be accessed here. The function also provide a binary raster of presence absence and a shapefile with the range of 27 species following IUCN spatial data.

data <-
#>   Longitude Latitude Litoria_revelata Litoria_rothii Litoria_longirostris
#> 1  144.0657  -14.894                0              1                    0
#> 2  144.0657  -15.194                0              1                    0
#> 3  144.0657  -16.694                0              1                    0
#> 4  144.0657  -15.494                0              1                    0
#> 5  144.0657  -16.294                0              1                    0
#> 6  144.0657  -16.594                0              1                    0
#>   Litoria_dorsalis Litoria_rubella Litoria_inermis Litoria_pallida
#> 1                0               1               1               1
#> 2                0               1               1               1
#> 3                0               1               1               1
#> 4                0               1               1               1
#> 5                0               1               1               1
#> 6                0               1               1               1
#>   Litoria_latopalmata Litoria_tornieri Litoria_nasuta Litoria_nigrofrenata
#> 1                   0                0              1                    0
#> 2                   0                0              1                    0
#> 3                   0                0              1                    0
#> 4                   0                0              1                    0
#> 5                   0                0              1                    0
#> 6                   0                0              1                    0
#>   Litoria_bicolor Litoria_fallax Litoria_genimaculata Litoria_wilcoxii
#> 1               1              0                    0                0
#> 2               0              0                    0                0
#> 3               0              0                    0                0
#> 4               0              0                    0                0
#> 5               0              0                    0                0
#> 6               0              0                    0                0
#>   Litoria_jungguy Litoria_andiirrmalin Litoria_caerulea Litoria_chloris
#> 1               0                    0                1               0
#> 2               0                    0                1               0
#> 3               0                    0                1               0
#> 4               0                    0                1               0
#> 5               0                    0                1               0
#> 6               0                    0                1               0
#>   Litoria_xanthomera Litoria_gracilenta Cyclorana_brevipes
#> 1                  0                  0                  1
#> 2                  0                  0                  1
#> 3                  0                  0                  1
#> 4                  0                  1                  1
#> 5                  0                  0                  1
#> 6                  0                  0                  1
#>   Cyclorana_novaehollandiae Cyclorana_cultripes Cyclorana_manya
#> 1                         1                   0               1
#> 2                         1                   0               0
#> 3                         1                   0               1
#> 4                         1                   0               1
#> 5                         1                   0               1
#> 6                         1                   0               1
#>   Litoria_alboguttata Cyclorana_longipes Nyctimystes_dayi Litoria_nannotis
#> 1                   1                  0                0                0
#> 2                   1                  0                0                0
#> 3                   1                  0                0                0
#> 4                   1                  0                0                0
#> 5                   1                  0                0                0
#> 6                   1                  0                0                0
#>   Litoria_lorica Litoria_rheocola Litoria_nyakalensis Litoria_infrafrenata
#> 1              0                0                   0                    0
#> 2              0                0                   0                    0
#> 3              0                0                   0                    0
#> 4              0                0                   0                    0
#> 5              0                0                   0                    0
#> 6              0                0                   0                    0
#> Phylogenetic tree with 33 tips and 26 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>   Litoria_revelata, Litoria_rothii, Litoria_longirostris, Litoria_dorsalis, Litoria_rubella, Litoria_nigrofrenata, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch lengths.
plot(data$tree, cex = 0.65)

  • Function df2rast

The function df2rast converts traditional communities matrices (i.e. species in columns and sites in rows, with coordinates in the two first columns) into binary distribution rasters (presence and absence).

data <-
r <- df2rast(x = data$presab, 
             CRS = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
#> [1] "SpatRaster"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "terra"

  • Function shp2rast

The shp2rast function transform a shapefile to a raster stack with the same extent. This function allows to work, for example, with the shapes of species distribution provided by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Spatial Database. We provide a set of shapefiles for 27 species of Australian tree frogs. You can visualize this data through the following code:

shp <- terra::vect(system.file("extdata", "shps_iucn_spps_rosauer.shp", 
                               package = "phyloraster"))
colors <- rainbow(length(unique(shp$BINOMIAL)),
                  alpha = 0.5)
position <- match(shp$BINOMIAL,
colors <- colors[position]
plot(shp, col = colors, lty = 0,
     main = "Spatial polygons")
maps::map(add = TRUE)

r2 <- shp2rast(shp, sps.col = "BINOMIAL", ymask = FALSE, background = 0, 
               resolution = 0.5)
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 77, 126, 9  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.5, 0.5  (x, y)
#> extent      : 114.099, 177.099, -39.17965, -0.6796477  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> names       : Litor~ensis, Litor~ttata, Litor~ensis, Litor~malin, Litor~giana, Litor~kiana, ... 
#> min values  :           0,           0,           0,           0,           0,           0, ... 
#> max values  :           1,           1,           1,           1,           1,           1, ...

You can also masking the shapefile using another shapefile, as follows:


shp <- terra::vect(system.file("extdata", "shps_iucn_spps_rosauer.shp",

# create a polygon to use as mask with an extent
e <- terra::ext(113, 123, -43.64, -33.90)
p <- terra::as.polygons(e, crs="")
# cut by the total extension of the polygons
coun.crop <- terra::crop(p, 
coun.rast <- terra::rasterize(coun.crop,
terra::rast(terra::ext(shp), resolution = 0.5))

# rasterizing with the mask of the polygon
shp.t <- shp2rast(shp, y = coun.rast, sps.col = "BINOMIAL", ymask = TRUE)
plot(shp.t[[1]], col = c("grey", "green"))

  • Function phylo.pres

To calculate evolutionary measurements it is extremely important that the raster with species distributions and the tree have the species names in the same order. We can verify this premise using a simple logical test like this.

data <-
names(data$raster) == data$tree$tip.label

The function phylo.pres reorder the raster stack according to phylogenetic tree order, extract a subtree containing only species present in the raster stack and get the branch length for each species.

ras <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", 
                               package = "phyloraster"))
tree <- ape::read.tree(system.file("extdata", "tree.nex", 
                                   package = "phyloraster"))
dataprep <- phylo.pres(x = ras, tree = tree)

Now, the raster stack and the tip label of the tree are in the same order!

names(dataprep$x) == tree$tip.label

The user also has the option to compute branch length and descendant number using the full supplied tree or the tree subsetted by the species present in the raster. Notice the implications of using the full or the subsetted tree. Consider, for instance, a scenario where a clade comprises four species (A, B, C and D - Figure 1a), and the particular area of study involves two of these species (A and B, in blue- Figure 1). Furthermore, let’s assume that species A and B share a branch, denoted as D (in red- Figure 1). Using the full phylogenetic tree will estimate the whole length of branches for these two species, including the branch shared between them (D), that connects them with the ancestor shared with the species absent from that specific region (Figure 1b). On the other hand, when using the subsetted tree (Figure 1c), branch D will be disregarded and only the terminal branches will be used to calculate branch length, so that the calculated branch lengths of the species A and B will be shorter (Figure 1c).

Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree for tree frogs denoting the implications of using the full or the subsetted tree in the phylo.pres function. Figure a) demonstrates the full phylogenetic tree for some tree frog species. In figure b), we have the full tree considering species A and B that are present in the region (blue), as well as the common ancestor between the two species (red). In figure c) we only have the species present in the region.


Great!! Now, we are already able to calculate the measures of species richness, endemism and evolutionary diversity.

  • Species richness

Our package allows you to calculate species richness using the function.

ras <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", 
                               package = "phyloraster"))
sr <- = ras)
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 90, 68, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.1, 0.1  (x, y)
#> extent      : 144.0157, 150.8157, -23.044, -14.044  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> name        : SR 
#> min value   :  2 
#> max value   : 29
plot(sr, main = "Species richness")

  • Endemism measurements

The phyloraster package implements functions for calculating spatial patterns of endemism based on the weighted endemism method (WE; Williams et al. 1994, Crisp et al. 2001) through the function rast.we. The function returns a raster with the values of weighted endemism by each pixel. Endemism values range from 0 to 1.

ras <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", 
                               package = "phyloraster"))
wer <- rast.we(x = ras)
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 90, 68, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.1, 0.1  (x, y)
#> extent      : 144.0157, 150.8157, -23.044, -14.044  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> name        :           WE 
#> min value   : 0.0007231441 
#> max value   : 0.2989257007

By using the R plot function from terra package it is possible to visualize the regions where species with restricted range are distributed.

#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 90, 68, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.1, 0.1  (x, y)
#> extent      : 144.0157, 150.8157, -23.044, -14.044  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> name        :           WE 
#> min value   : 0.0007231441 
#> max value   : 0.2989257007
plot(wer$WE, main ="Weigthed Endemism")

  • Evolutionary measurements

The first evolutionary measure is Faith’s phylogenetic diversity (PD, Faith 1994), which is calculated as the sum of the branch length for all species occurring in a given region (Faith 1994).

ras <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", 
                               package = "phyloraster"))
tree <- ape::read.tree(system.file("extdata", "tree.nex", 
                                   package = "phyloraster"))
dataprep <- phylo.pres(x = ras, tree = tree, pruning = "tree")

pdr <- rast.pd(x = dataprep$x, edge.path = dataprep$edge.path, 
               branch.length = dataprep$branch.length)
plot(pdr$PD, main = "Phylogenetic diversity")

The second measure is phylogenetic endemism (PE, Rosauer et al. 2009), which calculates the degree to which PD are restricted to a specific region (Rosauer et al. 2009). The function returns a raster layer containing PE the region of interest.

ras <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", 
                               package = "phyloraster"))
tree <- ape::read.tree(system.file("extdata", "tree.nex", 
                                   package = "phyloraster"))
per <- = dataprep$x, tree)
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 90, 68, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.1, 0.1  (x, y)
#> extent      : 144.0157, 150.8157, -23.044, -14.044  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> name        :           PE 
#> min value   : 0.0002224064 
#> max value   : 0.1756404428

The result can be visualized using the R plot function from the terra package.

plot(per$PE, main = "Phylogenetic Endemism")

The third metric is evolutionary distinctiveness (ED; Isaac et al. 2007) or ‘fair proportion’ (Redding et al. 2014), which is calculated dividing the total phylogenetic diversity of a clade among its members (Isaac et al. 2007). Our package returns a map with the mean value of ED for each cell, that is calculated based on the ED for species presents in each raster cell. The function rast.ed calculates this metric and returns a raster layer containing ED the region of interest.

x <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", package="phyloraster"))
# phylogenetic tree
tree <- ape::read.tree(system.file("extdata", "tree.nex", package="phyloraster"))
data <- phylo.pres(x, tree)
ed <- rast.ed(data$x, tree)
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 90, 68, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.1, 0.1  (x, y)
#> extent      : 144.0157, 150.8157, -23.044, -14.044  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source(s)   : memory
#> name        :        ED 
#> min value   : 0.2469036 
#> max value   : 0.4712075

The result can be visualized using the R plot function from the terra package.

terra::plot(ed, main = "Evolutionary Distinctiveness")

We also added a new function to calculates the Evolutionary distinctiveness for each species separately. The function will divide the total phylogenetic diversity of a clade among its members (Isaac et al., 2007).

tree <- ape::read.tree(system.file("extdata", "tree.nex", package="phyloraster"))

ed <- phyloraster::species.ed(tree)
#>                             ED
#> Litoria_revelata     0.6440047
#> Litoria_rothii       0.6440037
#> Litoria_longirostris 0.5470682
#> Litoria_dorsalis     0.5470682
#> Litoria_rubella      0.6440037
#> Litoria_nigrofrenata 0.5563398

Null models

Null models are a widely used method to control for richness effects in diversity measures (Gotelli and Ulrich, 2012). The standardized effect size (SES) measure, also known as z-score or z-value, is used to calculate null models from randomization tests (Gotelli and McCabe 2002). phyloraster implements three methods to calculate SES using spatial and phylogenetic randomization:,, and

  • Spatial and phylogenetic randomization

The randomization procedure for the calculation of SES is done internally in the functions,,,, and through the package SESraster (Heming et al., 2023). SESraster currently implements six algorithms to randomize binary species distribution with several levels of constraints: SIM1, SIM2, SIM3, SIM5, SIM6, and SIM9 (sensu Gotelli, 2000). The methods implemented in the SESraster are based on how species (originally rows) and sites (originally columns) are treated (i.e. fixed, equiprobable, or proportional sums) (Gotelli, 2000). The randomization algorithms currently available in SESraster are: SIM1 (species occurrence equiprobable and site richness equiprobable), SIM2 (species occurrence fixed and site richness equiprobable), SIM3 (species occurrence equiprobable and site richness fixed), SIM5 (species occurrence proportional and site richness fixed), SIM6 (species occurrence proportional and site richness fixed) and SIM9 (species occurrence fixed and site richness fixed, similar to the preserved model of Laffan & Crisp, 2003). In addition, SESraster (consequently phyloraster) supports user’s custom randomization algorithms for SES calculation, as long as the function returns objects of class SpatRaster. This allows complete flexibility for using any algorithm not yet implemented by the package.

As default, the phyloraster uses the function bootspat_str() from the SESraster package to conduct the randomizations, but the user is free to choose any of the other methods mentioned above through the spat_alg argument in the *.ses() functions of the phyloraster package. The function bootspat_str() is equivalent to the SIM5 (proportional-fixed) method of Gotelli (2000), which partially relaxes the spatial structure of species distributions but keeps the spatial structure of the observed richness pattern across cells.

Now that we have presented the randomization methods, we can start to build the null models.

ras <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", 
                               package = "phyloraster"))
tree <- ape::read.tree(system.file("extdata", "tree.nex", 
                                   package = "phyloraster"))
data <- phylo.pres(ras, tree, pruning = "tree")

t <-$x, edge.path = data$edge.path, 
                 branch.length = data$branch.length, aleats = 10, 
                 random = "spat")

Plotting the results


Post processing

  • Function delta.grid

The package also brings the function delta.grid that allows you to calculate the difference between rasterized diversity metrics between two different times. This function would allow assessing how species richness varies between different times, which could be useful in a climate change scenario. For example, imagine that we currently have 33 tree frog species of the subfamily Pelodryadinae occurring in Australia. In the map below we can visualize the spatial pattern of species richness.

# load the data
x <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", 
# richness
riq.pres <-

Now imagine that as climate change progresses, 16 relatively more vulnerable species are heavily affected and become locally extinct.

# load the data
x <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif", 
# richness future
riq.fut <-[[c(1:15)]]) # imagine we lost some species in the future

The delta.grid function allows you to visualize the variation in these richness patterns spatially. See an example below.

dg <- delta.grid(riq.pres, riq.fut)

On the map we can see that the greatest loss occurs in the eastern region of the map, losing up to 16 species. The delta.grid function can be used for any of the other metrics that are available in the phyloraster package.


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