Calculate range size for a set of species using a raster as input
This function calculate range size in square meters (by default) for all cells that are not NA. The size of the cells is constant in degrees but not in square meters, which was considered in the method applied to calculate the area.
- x
SpatRaster. A SpatRaster containing presence-absence data (0 or 1) for a set of species. The layers (species) will be sorted according to the tree order. See the phylo.pres function.
- cellSz
SpatRaster. A SpatRaster containing cellSize values. See
- unit
character. One of "m", "km", or "ha"
- ...
additional arguments to be passed passed down from a calling function.
# \donttest{
x <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "rast.presab.tif",
range_size(x[[1:2]], cellSz <- terra::cellSize(x))
#> Litoria_revelata Litoria_rothii
#> 5021016045 196704341029
# }